'˜Unionism is not dead in Banbridge' say DUP

Unionism is still strong: Recently elected DUP MLA Carla Lockhart with her party colleague and local MP David Simpson.Unionism is still strong: Recently elected DUP MLA Carla Lockhart with her party colleague and local MP David Simpson.
Unionism is still strong: Recently elected DUP MLA Carla Lockhart with her party colleague and local MP David Simpson.
A recently elected MLA has assured constituents that there is a very active and vocal presence for Unionism in Banbridge.

Responding to concerns raised over the representation of Unionism in the town, DUP MLA Carla Lockhart said: “When I read some of the reactions to the election results it appeared that some were suggesting that Unionism had somehow disappeared from Banbridge. Nothing could be further from the truth.

“The DUP are visible, vocal and continuing to deliver for the people. We have been out in the community listening to your issues and working on them. That is why we have been able to lobby and deliver resurfacing for many areas in the town, a new bus depot, a town master plan, a new Health Centre and have been active to ensure the public realm works are in the pipeline.

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“The DUP we have fully functioning offices in Lurgan, Banbridge and Portadown offering coverage to the three larger towns in Upper Bann. I will continue to bring our offices to the community with surgeries in community houses and halls throughout the year and ensuring that the voice of the people is heard.

“I want to see more funding for the health service to better serve the people of the town, more investment in the excellent schools that we already have here and to ensure that when the town centre is being redeveloped we attract the right mix of local trade alongside the national brands.

“My party are the only ones who give you a voice in government in Northern Ireland along with strong representation in Europe, London and at council level. Unionism in Banbridge has a strong voice and we will continue to work for you.

“I am a grafter, someone who will work night and day to ensure that I am a strong political voice, a friend and a listening ear for all my constituents. To that end I would encourage anyone with any concerns, issues or matters they wish to discuss please feel free to get in contact with me on 07833198008 or [email protected].”