First Minister to visit city for Hillsborough address

FIRST Minister Peter Robinson will refute the "innuendo, half-truths and lies" being circulated by the DUP's political rivals over the Hillsborough Agreement at a forthcoming meeting in Londonderry, the local party has stated.

But rivals in the Foyle Ulster Unionist Association said the DUP was being "unreasonable and nave" to expect the UUP to accept a deal that was "clearly based on side deals."

The DUP leader will host a conference on the agreement in the Waterside on Monday (March 1), in order to address the concerns of members of the local unionist family over matters arising from the prospect of the devolution of policing and justice powers to Belfast.

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A spokesman for the DUP said local community representatives, the Loyal Orders and band representatives are invited to attend the meeting which will address any questions over policing and justice and, importantly for the Protestant community in Londonderry, the issue of parades.

The spokesman explained: "We have organised this meeting to fully explain the Hillsborough Agreement. As a party we see this as a very important meeting.

"The First Minister and the party have undertaken to meet with local grass roots representatives throughout the country and we see it as very important to bring this to Londonderry,

"It is very much a welcome chance for people to ask any questions they have on the agreement and as well as the First Minister we are hoping to have the Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment (DETINI) Arlene Foster along on the evening," he added.

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