Suspect ran off before police search

Dungannon Courthouse.Dungannon Courthouse.
Dungannon Courthouse.
A Cookstown man who ran off from a police officer about to search him, was given a three-month jail sentence, suspended for 12 months at East Tyrone Magistrates Court last Friday.

Twenty-five-year-old Dillon Quaile from Molesworth Street, admitted a charge of obstructing the officer on September 19.

The court heard that police stopped two males at Molesworth Street who were acting suspiciously around 5.30pm.

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Prosecution counsel said just as Quaile was to be searched he ran off onto James Street, and was spotted putting something into his mouth.

A defence barrister said the defendant was already engaging well with Probation and Nexus, and asked the court to leave something “hanging over his head.”

District Judge Steven Keown warned the defendant not to re-offend.